PHOENIX METRO AREA: February Market Update

February Market Update:

Now that we are well into the first quarter of 2024 I can tell you the sentiment among the other agents and lenders in my circle is the same…it’s getting busy. Sellers are ready to get their homes sold and buyers are either paying with cash or settling into the new “norm” with interest rates. 

Since January 1st, the Pontikas Team has;

🏠 listed 𝟔 homes
🏠 closed on 𝟐 homes
🏠 has 𝟔 homes in escrow
🏠 𝟑 coming soon listings
🏠 and is currently working with 𝟗 active buyers!

We are certainly busy and feeling the market heat up, even though it’s still cold outside. If you are wondering if now is the right time to sell or buy, it’s time you give us a call so we can identify the best strategy for you and your family.
