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Carey Runyon

Carey Runyon

Transaction Coordinator

Carey began her career in real estate in 2001 working for one of the country’s largest relocation companies. Beginning first as a relocation assistant and then becoming a full time property specialist, she gained valuable knowledge in evaluating and managing the disposition and sales of properties for corporate clients in all states of the continental US.

Carey earned her real estate license in 2004 and since that time has focused most of her career as a Transaction Coordinator. She has had the privilege of working with some of the top agents in the state. Carrying an average of 120 pending escrows per month, she set a personal record in August of 2005 when she successfully closed over 90 transactions!

With the constant evolution of the real estate industry, Carey has remained at the cutting edge of the real estate marketplace by securing her associate brokers license in November of 2010. She is well versed at closing all types of transactions – traditional, REO, short sale, land and commercial.

Carey provides Pontikas Team clients with a high level of service and communication as she effectively manages all transaction paperwork from contract to close.


The process of buying and selling real estate can be both elegant and effective. It can even be enjoyable!

As we work together, these two things get closer and you receive the results you desire.

Whether you are ready to explore, or simply want to have a casual conversation about options, we would love to talk to you.